You do not need to use Mathematica to find out for which real numbers a the function x^a is in L^2(0,1). But you could check your answer for certain values. For instance suppose
then we can easily check that
Hence, for a=0.5, x^a is in L^2(0,1). Note that the answer is only an approximation. You can check other values by changing alpha.
Next, we need to evaluate the above integral from 0 to 1. This involves a limit, because log(x) is not defined at x=0. Again, using Mathematica, we verify that the answer is:
Hence the answer to the above question is affirmative, because the integral is finite.
If the Legendre polynomials p_n(x) are defined as the n^th coefficient of the Taylor series around zero of the following function:
then we can easily compute them:
The "normalized" Legendre polynomials are defined by multimplying the n^th term in the above series by ((2n+1)/2)^(1/2).
Perhaps the Legendre polynomials may be defined more naturally as the orthogonal basis which is obtained by applying the Gram-Schmidt process to the elements {1, x, x^2, x^3, ...}.
Using Mathematica, we can verify that the first n normalized Legendre polynomials coincide with the n elements obtained by orthonormalizing {1, x, x^2, ..., x^n}. First, we need to load the apropriate package:
Now we can easily get the first four terms as follows:
So, as you can see, these terms are normalization of the coefficients we obtained above.
To see what the graphs for the partial sums of the series sin nx/n are going to look like, start by setting:
This defines the n^th partial sum. The n^th graph, is generated by the command
Now we can generate the first five graphs as follows:
Now it is easy to see what the limit looks like. For good measure throw in a high number, say 100:
As you would suspect, the limit is some kind of a sawtooth.